Lucene.Net.ObjectMapping for .Net Standard 2.0

It’s been a long time since I’ve done some work on my Lucene.Net.ObjectMapping library. Recently I accepted a pull request that added support for the 4.8 beta releases of Lucene.Net itself, but when I involuntarily needed to updated one of my services to bring it up to speed with running in a Docker container, I decided that it was about time to update Lucene.Net.ObjectMapping for .Net Standard 2.0. The last time I used the library in a Docker container, ASP.NET vNext RC1 was just about to become final. so that’s a long time ago. Accordingly, there was quite a bit of work to understand the changes needed: both in .Net (and ASP.NET) between the 1.0 RC1 and the .Net Standard 2.0 releases, and also between the Lucene.Net 3.x and 4.8 releases. Luckily, the latter was largely taken care of by the pull request for the library itself. The former however proved a bit challenging. After all, the toolset has changed significantly.

Updated Sources

To cut a long story short, the updated sources are now available on GitHub. I decided to track it in a separate branch for better isolation. This new branch is aptly called netstandard. I’ll try to stay up-to-date with the more recent releases of Lucene.Net, and also with .Net Standard 2.0. That is, provided that I find the time for it. You may notice that the project files have become quite a bit simpler. That’s certainly one change in .Net Standard and Core that I welcome. The other is the better integration of Nuget for package referencing and package creation/pushing.

Updated Unit Tests

As a side effect, I also figured that it was going to be easier to update NUnit to the latest version, since its toolset is also well integrated with the new dotnet toolset. Since I’m doing all changes through VSCode and with building/testing/packaging in Docker containers based on the microsoft/aspnetcore-build:2 images, I wanted to keep it simple. The good thing here is that the dotnet toolset seems to offer really everything I need for this, and is suprisingly easy to handle, especially when compared to the RC1 version.

Updated Nuget Package

As I’ve mentioned in the beginning, I primarily made this effort because I needed a newer version of Lucene.Net with compatibility for .Net Standard 2.0. As a result, I published a new RC build as a Nuget package too. It is built on the latest Lucene.Net 4.8 beta release and currently supports only .Net Standard 2.0. If there’s a great demand for it, I’ll see if I can add support for other targets – or accept pull requests accordingly.


Nothing much besides the obvious: .Net Standard seems to be in a good shape wrt libraries and toolset, as well as support on Linux. There are a few gotchas but overall nothing much of a problem. Lucene.Net is still somewhat badly documented itself, and the tracking of braking changes between major/minor versions (and in fact also revisions/beta releases of the same major/minor) could be greatly improved. An online documentation would be very useful – maybe it exists, and I just haven’t found it? In any case, skimming through the Lucene.Net sources on GitHub works too, though being much slower.

You can find more information about object mapping for Lucene.Net on the Lucene.Net.ObjectMapping page.

Writing to Event Log — the right way

This one’s been on my mind for a long time. I know it’s very tempting to just use System.Diagnostics.EventLog.WriteEntry to write some string to the event log. But personally I never liked the fact that you write all that static text along with the variables like actual error messages etc. Why make your life harder analyzing events later on when there’s an easy way to fix that?

Instrumentation Manifests to the Rescue!

For a while now this has actually been quite easy, using instrumentation manifests. You can read more about it here: These manifests allow you to define events, templates for events, messages for events, even your own event channels (so you wouldn’t need to log into that crowded “Application” channel anymore) and a lot more. But let’s look at a little example.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<instrumentationManifest xsi:schemaLocation=" eventman.xsd" xmlns="" xmlns:win="" xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xs="" xmlns:trace="">
            <provider name="MyService" guid="{DDB3FC6E-6CC4-4871-9F27-88C1B1F19BBA}" symbol="TheEventLog"
                    <event symbol="ServiceStarted" version="0" channel="Application"
                           value="1000" level="win:Informational"
                           message="$(string.MyService.event.1000.message)" />
                    <event symbol="ServiceStopped" version="0" channel="Application"
                           value="1001" level="win:Informational"
                    <event symbol="ServiceConfigurationError" version="0" channel="Application"
                           value="1002" level="win:Error" template="ServiceException"
                    <event symbol="ServiceUnhandledException" version="0" channel="Application"
                           value="1003" level="win:Error" template="ServiceException"
                    <importChannel name="Application" chid="Application"/>
                    <template tid="ServiceException">
                        <data name="Exception" inType="win:UnicodeString" outType="xs:string"/>
        <resources culture="en-US">
                <string id="level.Informational" value="Information"/>
                <string id="level.Error" value="Error"/>
                <string id="channel.Application" value="Application"/>

                <string id="MyService.ProviderMessage"
                        value="My Windows Service"/>

                <string id="MyService.event.1000.message"
                        value="My Windows Service has started."/>
                <string id="MyService.event.1001.message"
                        value="My Windows Service has stopped."/>
                <string id="MyService.event.1002.message"
                        value="My Windows Service encountered a problem with its configuration. Please fix these issues and start the service again.:%n%n%1"/>
                <string id="MyService.event.1003.message"
                        value="My Windows Service encountered an unhandled exception:%n%n%1"/>

Let’s start at the top. Lines 5-9 define some basic information about this instrumentation provider, like a name, a unique ID and a symbol (which will come in handy later). We can also define a friendly name for events logged this way (i.e. the event source). Let’s ignore the three xyzFileName attributes for now. On lines 11-22 we’re defining four events, some of them informational (like “the service started” or “the service stopped”), some are errors (e.g. configuration errors, or unhandled exceptions). If we wanted to define our own channel, we’d do so between lines 25 and 27. For now we’re just re-using (i.e. importing) the pre-defined “Application” channel.

Event Templates

Event templates are particularly handy if you want to write parameters with your events. Lines 29-31 define a template which has exactly one parameter, which happens to be a unicode string. We’ll use it to store exceptions. We can define more than one parameter and there’s a lot of types to use, but I’ll let you explore those on your own. This template, as you can see, is referred to by the two events with IDs 1002 and 1003.


The localization gods are with us to. Our event and template definitions so far were abstract, no actual UI strings were contained. We can define those per language, as you can see starting line 37. In the resources element and its sub-elements, we define the actual strings we want to show, including any parameters. Parameters are numbered (1-based) and are referred to with %1, %2, %3 and so on. As you can see on lines 51 and 53, we’re defining the strings for the two error events with one parameter each (“%1”), to contain the exception message. If you want line breaks, you’ll achieve those with “%n”.

Compile, with some Sugar added

So now we have a fancy manifest, but what can we do with it? Well, eventually we want to log events using the definitions from this manifest, so let’s get to it. The Windows SDK comes with two very handy tools, MC.exe (the message compiler) and RC.exe (the resource compiler). We’ll use the first to compile the manifest — and generate some c# code as a side effect — then use the second to compile the output of the first into a resource which can be linked into an executable. The commands are as follows.

mc.exe -css MyService.Events -r obj\Debug
rc.exe obj\Debug\manifest.rc

MC.exe was nice enough to generate a file called manifest.cs for us. That file contains some code that you can use to log every event you defined in the manifest. This is why it was so handy to define the events (and templates): depending on how many parameters an event’s template has, the generated methods will ask you to provide just as many (typed) values for those parameters. Isn’t that great?! You’ll also find the compiled manifest.res file in obj\Debug. You can link that into its own executable (or your main assembly too, if you wanted), as follows:

csc.exe /out:MyService.Events.dll /target:library /win32res:obj\Debug\manifest.res

And you have a satellite assembly which holds the manifest you’ve built! CSC will log a warning about missing source files (because you didn’t add any .cs files to be compiled) but so far that doesn’t hurt anyone. We could probably also use link.exe but so far the C# compiler does a nice enough job.

Use that generated Code

Remember the code that was generated for us by MC.exe? Let’s go ahead and use it.

// ...
// ...
TheEventLog.EventWriteServiceConfigurationError(exception.Message); // ... or log the entire exception, including stack traces.
// ...

Wasn’t that very easy?

Install the Event Provider

There’s still something missing though: we’ll need to install our instrumentation/event provider with the system. It’s similar to creating the event source (which in fact will happen automatically when installing the manifest). This will typically happen in your application’s/service’s installer, using a command line as follows. But before that, remember the xyzFileName attributes we talked about? These need to be updated to point to the full path of the MyService.Events.dll assembly we generated. Otherwise the following command is going to fail.

wevtutil.exe im path\to\my\

From now on, when your app or service starts and logs those events, they’ll show up in the event viewer. For the two events we defined with parameters, the values of the parameters are essentially the only thing that’s stored along with the ID of the event. Likewise, they’ll be the only thing that’s going to be exported with the event — so the files with the exported events you’re going to ask your customers to send you are going to be a lot smaller and won’t contain the static part of the events you already know anyway!

To uninstall the manifest, just run this command:

wevtutil.exe um path\to\my\

Both commands need to run elevated (particularly important to remember when writing your installer).

Next Steps

As a next step, you’ll probably want to add the manual steps of compiling the manifest linking into the satellite assembly to the project file as automated targets. I’ll likely write another post about that in the future too.


As you can see, writing a manifest, compiling it and using the generated code to write to the event log is quite easy. So no more excuses to write each event as one big string (which is can be a lot harder to analyze when they come back from your customers because you first need to parse the strings).

Gzip Encoding an HTTP POST Request Body

I was wondering how difficult it was to Gzip-compress the body of an HTTP POST request (or any HTTP request with a body, that is), for large request bodies. While the .Net HttpClient has supported compression of response bodies for a while, it appears that to this day there is no out-of-the-box support for encoding the body of a request. Setting aside for now that the server may not natively support Gzip-compressed request bodies, let’s look at what we need to do to support this on the client side.

Enter HttpMessageHandler

The HttpMessageHandler abstract base class and its derived classes are used by the HttpClient class to asynchronously send HTTP requests and receive the response from the server. But since we don’t actually want to send the message ourselves – just massage the body and headers a little bit before sending – we’ll derive a new class GzipCompressingHandler from DelegatingHandler so we can delegate sending (and receiving) to another handler and just focus on the transformation of the content. So here’s what that looks like.

public sealed class GzipCompressingHandler : DelegatingHandler
    public GzipCompressingHandler(HttpMessageHandler innerHandler)
        if (null == innerHandler)
            throw new ArgumentNullException("innerHandler");

        InnerHandler = innerHandler;

    protected override Task<HttpResponseMessage> SendAsync(HttpRequestMessage request, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
        HttpContent content = request.Content;

        if (request.Method == HttpMethod.Post)
            // Wrap the original HttpContent in our custom GzipContent class.
            // If you want to compress only certain content, make the decision here!
            request.Content = new GzipContent(request.Content);

        return base.SendAsync(request, cancellationToken);

As you can see, all we’re doing is just wrapping the original HttpContent in our GzipContent class. So let’s get right to that.

Gzip-compressed HttpContent: GzipContent

We’re almost there, all we need to do is actually compressing the content and modify the request headers to indicate the new content encoding.

internal sealed class GzipContent : HttpContent
    private readonly HttpContent content;

    public GzipContent(HttpContent content)
        this.content = content;

        // Keep the original content's headers ...
        foreach (KeyValuePair<string, IEnumerable<string>> header in content.Headers)
            Headers.TryAddWithoutValidation(header.Key, header.Value);

        // ... and let the server know we've Gzip-compressed the body of this request.

    protected override async Task SerializeToStreamAsync(Stream stream, TransportContext context)
        // Open a GZipStream that writes to the specified output stream.
        using (GZipStream gzip = new GZipStream(stream, CompressionMode.Compress, true))
            // Copy all the input content to the GZip stream.
            await content.CopyToAsync(gzip);

    protected override bool TryComputeLength(out long length)
        length = -1;
        return false;

Easy, right? Of course you could add other supported compression algorithms, using more or less the same code (or even adding some abstraction for different compression algorithms), but this is basically all that’s required.


Using the HttpMessageHandler and its associated classes makes it extremely easy to apply transformations to all (or a well-defined subset) of HTTP requests you’re sending. In this case, we’re applying Gzip-compression to the bodies of all outgoing POST requests, but the logic to decide when to compress can be as customized as you want; you could even apply Gzip-compression only if the requested URI ends with “.gzip” or for certain content types.

Dynamic AES Key Exchange Through RSA Encryption

I wanted to prototype encrypted communication channel between a client and a server. Now of course there are HTTPS and other TLS channels that work quite well, but what I have in mind is supposed to be used to transfer rather sensitive data. So how can I establish a secure channel through an HTTP/HTTPS channel?

  1. Have the server generate an RSA key pair and send the public key to the client.
  2. Have the client generate an AES key, encrypt it with the received public key, and send the encrypted key to the server.
  3. Let the server decrypt the AES key.
  4. Both the client and the server are now in possession of the same AES key and can therefore communicate securely.

Of course, the generated AES key should only be used for the communication with the one client which sent it, so some sort of secure key management on the server (also regarding the RSA key pair) is vital. Also, the AES key could periodically be updated (i.e. a new key generated). At the very least, every message sent back and forth encrypted with AES will have to use a separate IV — but naturally that IV could be part of the transmitted message. So let’s get a very basic REST API-based implementation going.

Generate RSA key-pair on the Server


public sealed class SessionKey
    public Guid Id;
    public byte[] SymmetricKey;
    public RSAParameters PublicKey;
    public RSAParameters PrivateKey;


private Dictionary<Guid, SessionKey> sessionKeys;


public RSAParameters Generate(Guid sessionId)
    // NOTE: Make the key size configurable.
    using (RSACryptoServiceProvider rsa = new RSACryptoServiceProvider(2048))
        SessionKey s = new SessionKey()
            Id = sessionId,
            PublicKey = rsa.ExportParameters(false /* no private key info */),
            PrivateKey = rsa.ExportParameters(true /* with private key info */),
            SymmetricKey = null, // To be generated by the client.

        sessionKeys.Add(id, s);

        return s.PublicKey;


This key generation can then be used to generate a new RSA key pair whenever a new client connects and requests secure communication. Of course, make sure you send the public key back to the client, and not the private key — else there’s no point in encrypting in the first place.

Generate an AES key on the Client


// Get the Public Key from the Server
RSAParameters publicKey = GetFromServer(...);

// Holds the current session's key.
byte[] MySessionKey;

// Send encrypted session key to Server.


private byte[] GenerateAndEncryptSessionKey(RSAParameters publicKey)
    using (Aes aes = Aes.Create())
        aes.KeySize = aes.LegalKeySizes[0].MaxSize;
        // Setting the KeySize generates a new key, but if you're paranoid, you can call aes.GenerateKey() again.

        MySessionKey = aes.Key;

    using (RSACryptoServiceProvider rsa = new RSACryptoServiceProvider())

        return rsa.Encrypt(MySessionKey, true /* use OAEP padding */);


As you can see, we just take the public key we got from the server to set up the RSA provider and then encrypt the generated AES key using that public key. Once the client sends the encrypted key to the server, they both share the same secret and can securely communicate with each other.

Decrypt AES Key on the Server


public void SetSymmetricKey(Guid id, byte[] encryptedKey)
    SessionKey session = sessionKeys[id];

    using (RSACryptoServiceProvider rsa = new RSACryptoServiceProvider())

        session.SymmetricKey = rsa.Decrypt(encryptedKey, true /* use use OAEP padding */);


Since we already have the private key for this session, we can just use it to decrypt the AES key we got from the client. Again, making sure that the stored symmetric key is safe, is key to security.

Encrypt / Decrypt

Encrypting and decrypting can now be done the same way on both sides (since we’re using a symmetric-key algorithm). So here’s what that looks like.


public byte[] EncryptData(byte[] key, string data)
    using (Aes aes = Aes.Create())
        byte[] result;

        aes.Key = key;

        using (ICryptoTransform encryptor = aes.CreateEncryptor())
            using (MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream())
                using (CryptoStream cs = new CryptoStream(ms, encryptor, CryptoStreamMode.Write))
                    using (StreamWriter writer = new StreamWriter(cs))

                byte[] encrypted = ms.ToArray();
                result = new byte[aes.BlockSize / 8 + encrypted.Length];

                // Result is built as: IV (plain text) + Encrypted(data)
                Array.Copy(aes.IV, result, aes.BlockSize / 8);
                Array.Copy(encrypted, 0, result, aes.BlockSize / 8, encrypted.Length);

                return result;

public string Decrypt(byte[] key, byte[] data)
    using (Aes aes = Aes.Create())
        aes.Key = key;

        // Extract the IV from the data first.
        byte[] iv = new byte[aes.BlockSize / 8];
        Array.Copy(data, iv, iv.Length);
        aes.IV = iv;

        // The remainder of the data is the encrypted data we care about.
        byte[] encryptedData = new byte[data.Length - iv.Length];
        Array.Copy(data, iv.Length, encryptedData, 0, encryptedData.Length);

        using (ICryptoTransform decryptor = aes.CreateDecryptor())
            using (MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream(encryptedData))
                using (CryptoStream cs = new CryptoStream(ms, decryptor, CryptoStreamMode.Read))
                    using (StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(cs))
                        return reader.ReadToEnd();


As you can see, each time we encrypt something we generate a new IV, which we send at the beginning of the data to the other side. The other side then extracts the IV first and uses it to initialize AES.


Using all this through REST APIs is trivial: All you really need to make sure is that the client sends the session GUID (or whatever you use to identify a session) with every encrypted message, either through the URL, parameters or headers. Of course it is vital to guarantee that a client cannot get access to another client’s session (e.g. to provide a new session key), but through ordinary (secure) authentication that should easily be doable.

Next Steps

As far as encryption is concerned, this should already do the trick. You may want to add signatures to the encrypted messages too, to make sure that the encrypted blocks have not been tampered with. In addition, the AES key exchange could be repeated periodically (maybe even after every exchanged message).