Using the Agent WebService of the Response Group Service

Your Office Communications Server 2007 R2, Response Group Service deployment comes with a tiny but nice little addition: the Agent WebService. It basically offers exactly the same data and functionality as the Agent OC tab but does this through a SOAP interface. If you have RGS deployed on a pool with the FQDN ‘’, you’ll find the Agent OC tab at The Agent WebService is then located at If you are running the OCS WebComponents on other machines than the front ends, then the host name is the FQDN of the WebComponents machine/farm. So here’s how you can write your own client to sign in/out with RGS Agent Groups. The TechNet article Deploying Response Group Clients gives more information about deploying RGS Clients, with focus on the Agent OC Tab.

Generating the Client Proxy

The first thing you typically want to do is to actually generate the proxy code which you will compile into your own client. You do so by calling

wsdl.exe /namespace:RgsAgentService /language:cs /out:RgsAgentService.cs

This will generate the RgsAgentService.cs file which you can include into your project and use right away. Web Services Description Language Tool (Wsdl.exe) on MSDN has more info on wsdl.exe if needed.

Using the Web Service

Now you’re already good to go and use the web service. The code below shows a sample console application which does the following.

  • Create a new instance of ProxyService (the generated class from the step above) which points to the service on the pool you’re interested in.
  • Query the web service if the current user is an agent or not. This requires you to authenticate with the user’s credentials.
  • If the current user is an agent
    • Determine some basic information (e.g. the name and SIP address of the agent).
    • Retrieve the list of agent groups the agent is a member of in the connected pool.
    • If there are formal agent groups to which the agent is not signed in, the user is asked if he wants to sign in.
      • If he choses to sign in, tries to sign the agent in to those formal groups.
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;

using RgsAgentService;

namespace RgsClient
    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            string poolFqdn = "";

            if (args.Length > 0)
                poolFqdn = args[0];

            ProxyService service = ConnectToPool(poolFqdn);

            // First, figure out if the current user is an Agent.
            if (!service.IsAgent())
                Console.WriteLine("You are not an agent in Pool '{0}'.", poolFqdn);

            // Now get some information about the Agent (i.e. the current User).
            AcdAgent self = service.GetAgent();

            Console.WriteLine("You were authenticated as agent '{0}' ('{1}') in pool '{2}'.",
                self.DisplayName, self.SipAddress, poolFqdn);

            // Finally, determine which Agent Groups this Agent belongs to.
            AcdGroup[] agentGroups = service.GetGroups();

            Console.WriteLine("Agent Group Name                  Formal?   Signed In?  # Agents");

            Dictionary<string, Guid> agentGroupIdsForSignIn = new Dictionary<string, Guid>();

            for (int i = 0; i < agentGroups.Length; i++)
                Console.WriteLine("{0,-32}  {1,-8}  {2,-10}  {3,8}",
                    agentGroups[i].Name, agentGroups[i].CanSignIn,
                    agentGroups[i].IsSignedIn, agentGroups[i].NumberOfAgents);

                if (agentGroups[i].CanSignIn &&
                    agentGroupIdsForSignIn.Add(agentGroups[i].Name, agentGroups[i].Id);

            // If the Agent is not signed in to all his formal groups, then offer
            // him to do so now.
            if (agentGroupIdsForSignIn.Count > 0)
                Console.WriteLine("You are not currently signed in to {0} agent group(s):",

                foreach (string agentGroupName in agentGroupIdsForSignIn.Keys)
                    Console.WriteLine("    {0}", agentGroupName);

                Console.Write("Do you want to sign in to these groups now? [y/n] ");

                ConsoleKeyInfo key = Console.ReadKey();
                while (key.KeyChar != 'y' && key.KeyChar != 'n')
                    key = Console.ReadKey();

                if (key.KeyChar == 'n')


                if (service.SignInMultiple(agentGroupIdsForSignIn.Values.ToArray()))
                    Console.WriteLine("You have successfully signed in.");
                    Console.WriteLine("Sign-in to at leat one agent group has failed.");

        private static ProxyService ConnectToPool(string poolFqdn)
            ProxyService service = new ProxyService();

            service.Url = String.Format("https://{0}/Rgs/Clients/ProxyService.asmx", poolFqdn);
            service.UseDefaultCredentials = true;

            return service;

Running this program will yield something similar to the following.

You were authenticated as agent 'Bob' ('') in pool ''.

Agent Group Name                  Formal?   Signed In?  # Agents
Payroll Questions                 False     True               5
General HR Questions              True      False              8

You are not currently signed in to 1 agent group(s):
    General HR Questions

Do you want to sign in to these groups now? [y/n] y
You have successfully signed in.

More Methods

The WebService has a few more methods. These are in particular

  • SignIn(Guid groupId) – Tries to sign the current agent in to the agent group with the given ID
  • SignOut(Guid groupId) – Tries to sign the current agent out of the agent group with the given ID
  • SignOutMultiple(Guid[] groupIds) – Tries to sign the current agent out of all the groups identified with their respective IDs

These methods all return a boolean which indicates success (true) or failure (false).


You can integrate the RGS Agent Services into your own application by using the corresponding web service which is installed with the Response Group Service. This allows you to offer the same information and functionality as the RGS Agent OC Tab in a customizable manner.